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7. - Aportaciones complementarias de retiro Son deducibles las aportaciones complementarias de retiro, realizadas en la subcuenta de aportaciones voluntarias de los planes personales de retiro (Afore). El monto de aportaciones que se puede deducir en la declaración, es el que resulte menor entre 10% del ingreso anual acumulable del ejercicio o cinco UMA anuales equivalentes a 158, 469‬ pesos. En febrero del año siguiente a tus aportaciones, la institución que las reciba debe emitir un comprobante fiscal que corresponderá a la constancia anual y es el mismo que será considerado para el prellenado de tu declaración anual. En el campo "Uso del CFDI" debes indicar que se trata de aportaciones voluntarias al SAR. 8. - Impuestos locales por salarios También es deducible el pago por impuestos locales por salarios, cuya tasa no exceda 5%. 9. - Recomendaciones generales Cuando se reciban facturas se debe revisar que el campo "Uso de CFDI" y las claves de los productos o servicios estén relacionadas con el tipo de deducción personal.

A Song of Ice and Fire – Free Audio Books A Song of Ice and Fire is a series of epic fantasy novels by the American novelist and screenwriter George R. R. Martin. The first volume of the series, A Game of Thrones, was begun in 1991 and first published in 1996. The series has grown from a planned trilogy to seven volumes, the fifth and most recent of which, A Dance with Dragons, took Martin five years to write before its publication in 2011. The sixth novel, The Winds of Winter, is still being written. The story of A Song of Ice and Fire takes place on the fictional continents Westeros and Essos. The point of view of each chapter in the story is a limited perspective of a range of characters growing from nine, in the first novel, to thirty-one by the fifth. Three main stories interweave a dynastic war among several families for control of Westeros, the rising threat of the supernatural Others beyond Westeros' northern border, and the ambition of Daenerys Targaryen, the deposed king's exiled daughter, to assume the Iron Throne.

¡Es fácil dejarse llevar! », dice Gutiérrez. Una inversión segura La respuesta es unánime: « Por el diamante no pasa el tiempo », afirma el gemólogo Melvyn Kirtley, presidente en Europa de Tiffany & Co., que ha hecho de los diamantes amarillos su buque insignia. Los motivos: «Se puede medir de manera objetiva su calidad, el mercado es importante, permite hacer cotizaciones y es una gema que va con todo, de noche o de día, con un vaquero, un vestido de cóctel o una americana naranja», comenta Nathalie Guedj, presidenta de Carrera y Carrera. Además, «su versatilidad para crear joyas intrépidas o diseños clásicos ya acuñados lo convierte en el más querido por los joyeros», afirma Alfonso Durán. La segunda opción: zafiros, esmeraldas y rubíes. La joyería sigue tendencias Igual que en la moda, cada temporada surgen propuestas que se suman al joyero y lo actualizan. Este año, es el color, potenciado por «la incorporación de una variedad de gemas que permite mayor variedad creativa y económica», dice Juan Olivera, consejero de Masriera.

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When I met Donovan Kincaid, I knew he was rich. I didn't know he was filthy. Truth be told, I was only trying to get his best friend to notice me. I knew poor scholarship girls like me didn't stand a chance against guys like Weston King and Donovan Kincaid, but I was in love with his world, their world, of parties and sex and power. I knew what I wanted--I knew who I wanted--until one night, their world tried to bite me back and Donovan saved me. He saved me, and then Weston finally noticed me, and I finally learned what it was to be in their world. Because when dirty, filthy, rich boys play, they play for keeps. From NYT Bestselling author Laurelin Paige, discover a whole new world filled with sex, love, power, romance and dirty, filthy rich men.

Contradicting this hypothesis, scientists performed another study, also published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, to better understand how sad music affects us by investigating the differences between perceived emotion and felt emotion. Their findings were more in line with the first study — that humans are capable of perceiving and understanding the feelings embedded into a song without feeling all the feels, which explains why some people experience pleasure while listening to sad songs. The Notes in Some Songs Can Make Us Sad, Too Are there any universal musical characteristics that inspire tears? John Sloboda, a professor of music psychology at London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama, was interviewed by NPR a few years back on this very topic. He attributes our tears to a musical "ornament, " or fast notes around a central note, called "appoggiatura, " from the Italian word "to lean. " The piece goes on to reference a Wall Street Journal article that singles out Adele's frequent use of this dissonant vocal run in detail — her "yous" are full of them!

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