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Overview Other Appearances Gallery The Mustang is a horse breed available in Star Stable: The Summer Rider, Star Stable Online and Star Stable Horses. Timeline Date Development November 11, 2016 A teaser trailer of the Mustang is dropped on SSO's social media accounts. A release date of November 23rd is given at this time. November 21, 2016 A trailer of the Mustang is dropped on SSO's social media accounts. November 22, 2016 The trailer of the Mustang is dropped on SSO's social media accounts. November 23, 2016 T hree variations of the Mustang are added to the game. January 4, 2017 T hree additional variations of the Mustang are added to the game. January 30, 2017 Three variations of the Mustang are added to the Star Stable Horses app. September 6, 2017 An additional variation of the Mustang is added to the game. December 13, 2017 March 14, 2018 An NPC model of an additional variant is placed in the game. Description Star Stable Teasers - The Mustang " The Mustang is a breed of horse bred in the wilderness of America.

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One entrance ultimately leads to a Gold Key on the valley slopes. Which entrance you take determines what treasure you can reach inside or upon exiting. The caverns are the location of multiple treasure chests, and the quest to save a little girl named Eve leads you into the caves. The Future of Mistpeak [ edit | edit source] WARNING: This section or article may contain spoilers! Once the Hero of Brightwall convinces Sabine to join the revolution, a promise will be made to restore the lands of Mistpeak to their former glory and return the control of the region to the Dwellers. When the Hero becomes monarch, a decision must be made whether to keep the promise made to Sabine, or to listen to Reaver and turn Mistpeak Valley into a logging camp to increase the kingdom's resources. If you keep the promise, Mistpeak becomes a protected area and authority over its resources is given to the Dwellers. If you agree to Reaver's proposal, three small houses are built on the lake shore and a crane is erected in front of the monorail station.

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There is no rel prev meta tag on this page. Domain (Somewhat important) The domain is no subdomain. The domain length is good. The domain does not contain non-latin characters. Page URL (Somewhat important) No parameters were found in the URL. No session ID was found in the URL. The URL does not have too many subdirectories. Charset encoding (Somewhat important) The charset encoding ( ISO-8859-1) is set correctly. The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly. The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code. The favicon is linked correctly. Page quality 73% achieved Content (Critically important) Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content. This page contains 975 words. That's ok. 41. 5% of the text are stop words. Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good! The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout. 8 paragraphs were found on this page. No placeholders texts or images were found. There are no duplicates on the site. The average number of words per sentence of 15.

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Por su parte, el polisíndeton es la figura contraria al asíndeton, ya que se caracteriza por el uso desmedido de conjunciones con el objetivo de ralentizar y aportar mayor solemnidad al texto, tal y como hace Juan Ramón Jiménez: Hay un palacio y un río y un lago y un puente viejo, y fuentes con musgo y hierba alta y silencio... un silencio. Antítesis o contraste La antítesis o contraste es la oposición de una palabra o enunciado a otro cuyo significado es lo contrario ( blanco - negro, amor - odio, vida - muerte), de manera que ambas ideas o conceptos quedan contrapuestos: Los niños van por el sol y las niñas por la luna. En este texto de José Agustín Goytisolo podemos observar la antítesis entre "los niños" y "las niñas" así como entre las palabras "sol" y "luna". Aliteración La aliteración es la repetición de dos o más sonidos iguales o muy parecidos entre sí en varias palabras correlativas de un mismo enunciado, verso o estrofa. Seguramente hayas escuchado (y quizá tratado de decir en voz alta) este conocido trabalenguas: Tres tristes tigres comían trigo en un trigal.

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abril 11, 2014 Lenguaje coloquial es aquel que se utiliza en un entorno familiar y distendido. Es aquel que se utiliza en las conversaciones informales de manera natural y cotidiana. En el lenguaje coloquial es habitual el uso de exclamaciones, diminutivos, aumentativos o comparaciones. Se permite alguna incorrección gramatical, siempre y cuando el contenido no vaya a ser plasmado en una publicación formal o educativa. En definitiva el lenguaje coloquial es aquel que conforma el lenguaje común, principalmente hablado. Ejemplos de expresiones coloquiales ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo va todo? ¡Vaya! ¡Qué mayor esta! ¡Es ya un chavalote! Me molesta un montón que no me atiendan rápidamente ¡Vamos, cambia esa cara! ¡Estas más soso que un huevo sin sal! Qué miedo pasé, tio. ¿Te ha servido de ayuda? Sí No

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