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Ursula Llanos

Tue, 23 Feb 2021 03:54:16 +0000
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Estos pensamientos inducen alguna clase de presion sobre los campos de energia de nuestro alrededor, causando que se muevan y actuen. Los Pensamientos cambian el nivel de energia en nuestro alrededor, y de manera natural traen cambios en el ambiente en concordancia con ellos. Existe otra explicacion de por que la Visualizacion trae resultados. Pudiera resultar una sorpresa para muchos, pero la teoria del Maya -ilusion, que proviene de las filosofias orientales, nos da la explicacion. Segun la filosofia india "Advaita- Vedanta" que en occidente se le llama la No Dualidad, el mundo es solo una ilusion y no es real. Los pensamientos surgen lo cual "crea" nuestro mundo. Constantemente pensamos y repensamos nuestros pensamientos habituales, creando y recreando asi la misma clase de eventos o circunstancias. El proceso refuerza nuestros pensamientos, lo cual ayuda a preservar el mismo "mundo" en donde creemos que vivimos. Por medio de cambiar la cinta o pelicula, es decir, por medio de mirar en un escenario diferente, diferentes pensamientos, entonces creamos una realidad diferente.

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Select Format Select Condition We got our first real time murder! Published by RV The Book Slayer, 10 months ago This 4th in the Fear Street series went a step further and gave us its first real time murder (that was real *wink*). The suspense was great and it had a great little twist at the end. Brother and sister, Mark and Cara, come home from school to an empty house. Mom and Dad, addicted to work, have worked late before, but they always called. But the phone is out. Well that explains why they didn't call and they go to bed. The next morning, their parents are still not home. They talk to their weird cousin, Roger, but all he does is creep them out from his tiny attic room. Mark and Cara travel to their parents' job (2 cities over) and are told they don't work at Cranford Industries, like their parents' said. "There's no one named Burroughs working here. There never has been. " Detective Farraday seems to come at perfect timing. He "helps" the teens look for their parents. Meanwhile, Gena breaks up with Mark.

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875% and due in January 2026. The funds raised will be used to pay down the revolving credit facility, improving interest on existing in November, GSBD reported 80 cents EPS for the quarter ending September 30. The earnings were strong enough to support a solid dividend of 45 cents per share – and the company announced a special dividend payment, of 15 cents, to be paid in three installments during 2021. The regular dividend currently has a yield exceeding the bulls is Wells Fargo's Finian O'Shea, who also covers AINV. The analyst wrote, "[We] believe the high-quality investment platform and shareholder friendly structure will continue to drive attractive forward returns… GSBD is quality at a good price... For those who buy BDCs, GSBD will likely always be in the portfolio discussion as we see it, given its quality of earnings and shareholder orientation. "With that in mind, O'Shea rates GSBD an Overweight (i. Buy), along with a $19. 50 price target. This figure implies a 5% upside from current levels.

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