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We know they're dead. There isn't a chance. Can't you grasp that? Mary is dead. Billy is dead. You can't help them. " (O'Brien 76). Aha Moment 400 Why does Ann run away from the house? Mr. Loomis attacks her What is the last thing that Mr. Loomis does before Ann leaves him behind? Points her towards the West where he saw birds. What made Faro come back? 2 Gunshots How long has Ann been in the valley alone? A year How would you describe a dystopian world? (Try to get close) Destroyed, desolate, broken, and uninhabited. 500 How does Ann feel at the end of the story? Hopeful Why is John afraid of Edward? He thinks he'll steal the suit. Why does Ann not shoot Faro? His little bark of greeting. What is the last name of the owners of the Store? Klein Identify the Signpost It was a reasonable suggestion, but when I went to bed, it kept me from sleeping. It was ironic; as a child I hadn't particularly liked working in the fields. I had preferred to cook or feed the animals. Yet now I felt best when I was out there alone, working in the garden or running the tractor.

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