Modern electronic communication 8th edition pdf

Was Y Were Ejemplos

Mon, 22 Feb 2021 14:04:28 +0000

- Yes, I was. - Was she a model? - No, she wasn't. - Were they your friends? - No, they weren't. - Was Richard your boyfriend? - Yes, he was. - Were we on a test? - Yes, you were. Preguntas específicas: - Where were you? - I was at the bank. - Where were Fernando and his girlfriend this morning? - They were home. - Who was that person? - He was my father. - What was that? - That was a thunder. - When was Mary at the store? - She was at the store in the afternoon. Diferencia de verbo "to be" en presente y pasado El siguiente ejercicio muestra la diferencia entre el presente y pasado del verbo ser / estar: Pre: I am a teacher. Pas: I was a teacher. Pre: She is at the movies. Pas: She was at the movies. Pre: They are not professionals. Pas: They were not professionals. Pre: Internet is important. Pas: Internet was important. Pre: Computers aren't fast. Pas: Computers weren't fast. Pre: Music is boring at the party. Pas: Music was boring at the party. Mira el video con las explicaciones y ejemplos.

Was y were ejemplos o

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You weren't at the party. I was tired this morning. She was the winner. He was a goog singer. He was at the hospital when I called. We were to the cinema last week? I can't remember that. Where he was? He was a t home. ¿Te ha servido de ayuda? Sí No

Altres llibres de Biografies / Memòries Veure tots UTILIDAD DE LAS DESGRACIAS ARAMBURU, FERNANDO Su infancia en un arrabal de San Sebastián, su memoria del dolor en los años oscuros en el País Vasco, su experiencia como maestro en Alemania, sus rituales a la hora de escribir y de encontrarse con los lectores, algunos paseos y viajes, las lecciones extraídas de una atenta lectura de Albert Camus: este volumen reúne los mejores artículos literarios de Fernando Aramburu. Son... En stock MARES I FILLS KALLIFATIDES, THEODOR Als seixanta-vuit anys, Theodor Kallifatides, emigrat a Suècia des de fa més de quatre dècades, visita la seva mare de noranta-dos, que continua residint a Atenes. Tots dos saben que pot ser una de les seves darreres trobades. Durant la setmana que passen plegats, recorden el més important de les seves vides amb una presència decisiva del pare, de qui Theodor està llegint el re... MESTISSA CAMPBELL, MARIA Primer llibre d'una activista aborigen del Canadà, 'Mestissa' narra la infància i la joventut d'una dona que fa tentines per un món de minories.

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The difficulties in the teaching and learning of Linear Algebra have been studied since last century, in particular since the nineties. The LACSG (Linear Algebra Curriculum Study Group) in the USA is a reference point. On the other hand, Anna Sierpinska and Jean-Luc Dorier lead another group in Canada and Europe. Both groups coincide that one of the greatest problems in the teaching and learning of Linear Algebra is the formal approach of the classes that are traditionally taught. The starting point of this study is the great difficulties students experience when assimilating definitions, theorems and demonstrations, which are elusive for the future engineers.

Si ya te has decidido a visitar la meca del cine, ahora lo que necesitar es organizar todos los detalles de tus vacaciones y, por supuesto, encontrar un lugar donde dormir en Los Ángeles barato, para que estas sea perfectas. La ciudad recibe muchísimos viajeros cada año. Gente que viaja por negocios, profesionales del cine y también, muchos viajeros que sólo quieren conocer la popular ciudad. Por eso hay una buena red de alojamientos en Los Ángeles. El problema con el que te puedes encontrar es que no es especialmente económica. Estamos hablando de una ciudad muy visitada, ligada al cine y los alojamientos baratos en Los Ángeles no son la norma. Lo más recomendable es comparar un poquito los hoteles de Los Ángeles en Booking y así elegir la opción donde dormir en Los Ángeles que mejor se adapte a ti y a tu bolsillo. La verdad es que hay hoteles en Los Ángeles capital para todos los gustos. ¿ Te imaginas dormir en una habitación inspirada en tus películas favoritas? Aquí es posible, habitaciones de cine que son verdaderos decorados, aunque estos no son los alojamientos más económicos de Los Ángeles.

Escribe Ahora viene la parte difícil. Piensa en algún momento de tu pasado, quizás tu adolescencia o niñez, y describe cómo eras en aquel momento. Utiliza otros verbos aparte de « to be » si lo necesitas, pero mantenlo todo en pasado. Tienes un ejemplo en la sección de respuestas, al final. ¡Adelante con ello! Respuestas I was not a teacher. They were having a party. We were delighted to see him. He was still sleeping. She was a bit scared. You were not in the list. It was not a cat. You were all at school We were in Canberra last spring. Jamie was 25 last June. You were very busy on Friday. I was at home yesterday. Were you at work this morning? He was not surprised by the present. It was not very dangerous. She was interested in science. As a child, I was very shy. I did not like to play with other children and I was always alone. My parents were worried about me, but I think I was happy that way, with my pictures and my imagination. I was always making up stories and drawing them. Maybe that was why I became an illustrator later.

TROA Colegios Servicio a Centros Docentes: bibliotecas escolares, planes de lectura, actividades de animaci�n a la lectura. Recursos bibliogr�ficos especializados para uso interno del centro y su difusi�n a padres y alumnos. Gesti�n integral de la campa�a escolar... más información TROA Corresponsal�as Servicio a asociaciones, fundaciones, parroquias en las que la formaci�n cristiana de todas las personas es su raz�n de ser, por lo que tratan tambi�n de difundirla con lecturas que ayuden a comprender y vivir el cristianismo. Selecciones tem�ticas de inter�s para su uso y difusi�n... más información

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B> WPH 50M #12 taianlight 224 posts Location Canada Server: chaos Posted 06 October 2014 - 04:23 PM Edited by taianlight, 06 October 2014 - 07:41 PM. #13 Posted 06 October 2014 - 04:28 PM the more you vote for the company, the less teleport they'll have. g kafra corp won the vote when they got 3 options, the next time they win, they'll have only 2 options. not sure about the exact mechanic tho another silly mechanism. how come a service which is constantly appreciated got its quality reduced each time the appreciation increased. #14 Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:12 PM another silly mechanism. how come a service which is constantly appreciated got its quality reduced each time the appreciation increased. cycle the two companies to keep ALL of the teleports alive. both cool corp and kafra corp seem to have an agreement on this. win this round and you'll have to reduce your options. business stuffs. #15 beaupoem 4239 posts Location Mora Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:17 PM it will be "fixed" on 11/2 #16 Yugacky Awarded #1 Troll 961 posts Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:22 PM 90 minutes Fishing cool down is too long... #17 ShoLin 2106 posts Server: Quit Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:48 PM Silly rogue, you should know Enrich Hammer only upgrades stuff 7 and higher.

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